Jared Hendricks

sacred glyph sculptures


Tools For Humaning

Part 1   |  Read Part 2

For you, and only you, you know yourself more deeply,
ask yourself how you would answer these questions.

How much of your mind activity is concerned with safety, security, and survival?

  • What percentage of your daily thoughts center around these concerns?

  • What percentage of your thoughts consciously have a "spiritual context" or relate directly to your Life's Purpose?

What is your personal philosophy, and all of its aspects?

  • Is it truly yours, forged out of your own experiences, or simply the blind following of other's teachings (or what mix of each)?

  • Are you going out and testing its validity, to yourself, on an ongoing basis?

  • Does it call on you to, first and foremost, to serve a Higher Purpose, or is it just another set of survival strategies?

  • Does it contain negative aspects, such as old anger, strategies for the manipulation of others, holier-than-thou attitudes, etc?

  • Does it truly empower you, and make your life freer, or does it facilitate contraction and negativity?

  • Is it primarily a set of strategies to avoid suffering or difficulty, and simply create physical plane security, or is it a reflection of a true desire to spiritually evolve and contribute to the collective human evolution?

  • Is it designed to help you become psychologically and spiritually strong (truly powerful and wise and compassionate for all beings)?

If it becomes appropriate, how free are you to walk away from any of your life situations?

  • What would bind you emotionally from doing so, and keep you trapped in negative situations?

How unassailable is your confidence and belief in yourself?

  • Can you accept and back yourself, right or wrong, through thick and thin, regardless of circumstances?

  • Can you support and honor yourself without inappropriately feeding your ego?

  • Can negative people home in on your weak spots, rattle your insecurities, pull you off your Center, or force you to react (especially relatives, business associates, and social acquaintances)?

What depth of Faith and Trust lies within you?

  • Can you consciously accept that your fate actually lies in an invisible world where no human recognizes you, or will verbally thank you if you do well – where there ceases to be ego gratification or accolades from fellow humans?

What measure of feelings of loneliness can you experience, and still remain in balance?

  • What level of real awareness have you cultivated, that it is truly impossible to actually be alone?

If it were appropriate, for your spiritual evolution, could you release or completely change your relationship with your:

Family Money

Friends Country

Neighborhood Origins

Belief Systems Old Wounds

Have you mastered your relationship with money in your life?

  • Do you control the fulfillment of your basic needs, or is it a struggle to do so?

  • Are you reliant on others, to fulfill your basic needs? Is that appropriate?

  • Have you mastered a substantial level of understanding of the built-in survival programs, and insecurity of your human mind?

  • Have you cultivated a significant level of direct awareness of your True Nature as a spiritual being, which allows you to start transcending the physical survival programs of your mind?

How do you perceive, and relate to, most of the institutions of organized humanity (i.e. government, religions, business entities, social organizations, etc.)?

  • Do you have healthy or unhealthy relationships with them?

  • Do you allow any of them to inappropriately siphon off your energy and resources?

  • Do you allow yourself to be energetically or psychologically trapped in an adversarial relationship with any of them?

  • Do you use up energy being trapped in judgement of them?

How do you feel about, and interact with, fellow humans who have a low level of consciousness?

  • Are you invested in judging them?

  • Can you allow them their destiny, without being attached to being able to change them?

  • Can you maintain compassion for them, when their behavior is quite negative or unconscious?

  • Can they upset you, or influence your decisions?

  • Do you use up substantial amounts of your energy seeking their approval?

  • Do you invest inappropriate amounts of yourself trying to make any of them happy?

  • How much of your energy do you spend trying to win them over to your perspectives?If it is a lot, what is your real motivation for doing so?

Have you cultivated a clear understanding of the difference between Ego, and True Personal Power?

Do you truly know the difference between Work, and struggle?

Are you cultivating a direct knowing, of why you came "here," at this time, as this Person?

You have a great deal more courage than most humans, at this time, if you are truly interested in answering these questions for yourself.

The key for you, to have a very different life, to have a powerful, satisfying, and beautifully lived life, is what the Masters from all spiritual traditions have always pointed to:

Know Thy True Nature

Know Thyself

Read Part 2